Fall 2014 Message Series

In September/October 2014, we’re going to spend some time in one of the most popular, yet most mysterious, letters the Apostle Paul ever wrote… Ephesians. Known as “The Epistle To The Ephesians,” this book of the New Testament is referred to as the “Queen” of the Apostle Paul’s writings. It’s popularity is due in part […]
Easter :: the story like you’ve never heard before…

The Bible isn’t the only place you can find out about what Jesus did, how He died, and the almost-over-night-explosion of people claiming to have seen Jesus resurrected from the dead. It’s true! A handful of contemporary sources cite both the Man and the Movement that worshiped him as God and spread the Good […]
No Worship Service Labor Day Sunday (and why that’s a good thing!)

If you’re a regular at Pathmakers, you probably already know about “Reset Sundays” and how it all works. If you’re new to Pathmakers, you probably have NO IDEA what we’re talking about. Allow me to explain… About three times a year, we have what we call “Reset Sundays.” On Reset Sundays, we cancel our main […]
When God Calls You… – The Story of Jonah

…coming September 2013 to Pathmakers… The story of Jonah, found in the Hebrew Old Testament, is among the most debated passages of Scripture in the entire Bible. Some scholars argue it is purely allegorical, maybe a didactic fable or nursery rhyme for children, or, at best, an embellished narrative about a prophet who lived in […]
Hit The Reset Button :: No Gathering Memorial Day Sunday

If you’re a regular at Pathmakers, you probably already know about “Reset Sundays” and how it all works. If you’re new to Pathmakers, you probably have NO IDEA what we’re talking about. Allow me to explain… About three times a year, we have what we call “Reset Sundays.” On Reset Sundays, we cancel our main […]
When Jesus moved in…

The Bible teaches that God wants to live with us. More than that, God wants to live in us. The Apostle Paul calls us “the Temple of the Holy Spirit.” And that when we commit to following Jesus, God makes His home in us. In a sense, Jesus moves in. What does that look like? […]
The Parable Of The Good Samaritan and “Neighboring”

The Parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10:25-37 is one of the most famous of Jesus’ parables. Artists have been inspired to create masterpieces reflecting the impact of the story, like the one here by Vincent Van Gogh. The parable was Jesus’ answer to a question posed to him about what it meant […]
Men’s Ministry that men actually enjoy…

Growing up in the church as a pastor’s kid, I had unique access to something most church attending adults and probably zero church attending kids had access to: the inside conversations between pastors. For better (and usually for worse), I had an awareness of the frustrations and challenges most pastors face in their ministry. One […]
It’s Church, But Different! Find out how and why…

That line we use “It’s Church, but Different” is not a clever catch phrase. Frankly, it’s not all that catchy and it definitely isn’t clever. All it is is simple truth from a simple church that simply wants to be the kind of gathering of Christ-followers that… well… Jesus Christ intended us to be. Don’t […]
They Had Been With Jesus…

They Had Been With Jesus – Spring 2013 – Message Series To many Christians, the original Apostles can seem like superheroes. They were there to witness the miracles of Jesus. They even did miracles themselves. They were witnesses to the most important events of human history, the death and resurrection of Jesus. And they were […]