Dear Person Who Vandalized Our Church Sign…
Dear (insert your name, person who vandalized our church sign last week), I feel compelled to tell you that our sign, much like our church, was largely unaffected by your decision to take our sign from its proper location, throw it in the street, and run over it with your vehicle. As you can see, the sign […]
Fall 2014 Message Series
In September/October 2014, we’re going to spend some time in one of the most popular, yet most mysterious, letters the Apostle Paul ever wrote… Ephesians. Known as “The Epistle To The Ephesians,” this book of the New Testament is referred to as the “Queen” of the Apostle Paul’s writings. It’s popularity is due in part […]
He is Risen… Indeed!
He is Risen! He is Risen… Indeed! Go celebrate this Good News with others this Easter Sunday morning! … a battle in the grave the war on Death was waged the power of Hell forever broken The ground began to shake the stone was rolled away His perfect Love could not be overcome Now, Death, where […]
Thank God It’s Friday! And He did this to save us… From Mark 15:1-20 (NLT). “Very early in the morning the leading priests, the elders, and the teachers of religious law—the entire high council—met to discuss their next step. They bound Jesus, led him away, and took him to Pilate, the Roman governor. Pilate asked […]
Easter :: the story like you’ve never heard before…
The Bible isn’t the only place you can find out about what Jesus did, how He died, and the almost-over-night-explosion of people claiming to have seen Jesus resurrected from the dead. It’s true! A handful of contemporary sources cite both the Man and the Movement that worshiped him as God and spread the Good […]
The Resurrection makes talking to kids about death easier…
“…so you will not grieve like people who have no hope.” (From 1 Thessalonians 4:13). (For the sake of discretion, I will not be very specific about the local tragedy I am citing. I recognize many are impacted by this tragic death and I write this with respect, love, and hope that some will stumble […]
We’ll drink a cup of kindness here, for Auld Lang Syne…
“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” This is a verse from a short, beautiful, and misunderstood song written by the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah is called “the weeping prophet” as the later portion of his ministry occurred after the last good […]
The Blessing Wrapped In The Curse (or, Mary Comforts Eve)…
For anyone who knows the story of “The Fall” (in Genesis 3) as we’ve come to describe it, and “The Annunciation” (in Luke 1), this is a particularly moving piece of art. I don’t know who made it, I don’t know when they made it, and I don’t know why they made it. But I […]
Nicaragua Vision Trip :: Day Three
Sorry, another short update because it is already past midnight and we have an early start with a long last day ahead of us. Today, we were able to visit a special place to the mission known as Finca Belem, which translates into English as “Bethlehem Farm.” There is a neat story with respect to […]
Nicaragua Vision Trip :: Day One
We made it! The Pathmakers Nicaragua Vision Trip 2013 Team made it safely into Managua, the capital city of the Central American county of Nicaragua. In fact, the trip was largely uneventful, except for a little turbulence and a guy who tried to carry-off my carry-on luggage. He still argued with me a little even […]