It Is Finished – Happy Good Friday

…God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (from Romans 5:8 NLT) Please join us for a celebration of Jesus and how He saves us this Easter Sunday. Everyone is welcome, because everyone should know this good news! We’ll have music, refreshments, a short […]
Jesus plays this Poker Game… so, you should, too!

Following Jesus doesn’t get much more fun nor much easier than this.
Make Our Giving Count!

Helping someone we might never meet is a powerful way to follow Jesus…
The Town Of Jesus :: Winter 2015

It’s almost like God really enjoys defying everyone’s expectations. Perhaps this is most evident in the Son of God, Himself, Jesus… fully God, fully man, and completely original. And among the many ways Jesus defied expectation is this little fact… instead of “being everywhere” like he could have been, Jesus chose one large town in the […]
Best. Welcome. Video. Ever.

[youtube=] We know we have a great pastor simply because of this welcome video. Watch the video… if you hate it, you’ll know everything you need to know. Otherwise… welcome home! We’ll see you on Sunday! (and yes, he really is this authentic in real life…)
Christmas Eve at Pathmakers Church

What is Christmas Eve at Pathmakers Church? It’s only the best 30 minutes you’ll spend this Christmas! Regardless of how much you like to Jingle Bell Rock Around the Christmas tree. 30 minutes of classic Christmas carols, the Christmas stories read from the Bible, and a few great videos helping us all get centered on the reason […]

RESET SUNDAY :: NO WORSHIP SERVICE ON DECEMBER 28, 2014 Allow me to explain… That whole “it’s Church, but Different” isn’t a clever catch-phrase for us (it is a little “catchy” though, isn’t it?). And one of the more “different” things we do as a group is take some intentional days off… sabbaticals from our […]
Dear Person Who Vandalized Our Church Sign…

Dear (insert your name, person who vandalized our church sign last week), I feel compelled to tell you that our sign, much like our church, was largely unaffected by your decision to take our sign from its proper location, throw it in the street, and run over it with your vehicle. As you can see, the sign […]
Technical Difficulties Sunday!

For those of you that missed “Technical Difficulties Sunday” as our worship leader, Sean, so eloquently described it, you missed a wild time. I won’t bore you with a list of everything that either went wrong or created significant stress or delays, but I will say that we ended up clipping a worship song and […]
Fall 2014 Message Series

In September/October 2014, we’re going to spend some time in one of the most popular, yet most mysterious, letters the Apostle Paul ever wrote… Ephesians. Known as “The Epistle To The Ephesians,” this book of the New Testament is referred to as the “Queen” of the Apostle Paul’s writings. It’s popularity is due in part […]