Jesus plays this Poker Game… so, you should, too!

Following Jesus doesn’t get much more fun nor much easier than this.
Growing Roots

“Sugar and spice and everything nice… that’s what little girls are made of…” goes an old folk poem from the 19th century. Whatever. WOMEN(!) are made of ideas and thoughts, challenges and troubles, hopes and regrets, drama and joy, victories and dreams, complex emotions and simple desires (and vice versa)… most of all, we’re made in […]
Prayer Gathering :: Saturday Easter Vigil

Just a reminder, you’re welcome to join us for a special gathering this Saturday evening. Come be a part of an Easter Vigil as we commemorate Christ’s Death and Resurrection in a special time of extended prayer, intimate worship, and reflection on Christ’s sacrifice expressed in Communion/Lord’s Supper/Eucharist. 6:30pm-ish to 7:30pm-ish, Saturday, April 19, 2014 @ […]
The Blessing Wrapped In The Curse (or, Mary Comforts Eve)…

For anyone who knows the story of “The Fall” (in Genesis 3) as we’ve come to describe it, and “The Annunciation” (in Luke 1), this is a particularly moving piece of art. I don’t know who made it, I don’t know when they made it, and I don’t know why they made it. But I […]