The Blessing Wrapped In The Curse (or, Mary Comforts Eve)…

For anyone who knows the story of “The Fall” (in Genesis 3) as we’ve come to describe it, and “The Annunciation” (in Luke 1), this is a particularly moving piece of art. I don’t know who made it, I don’t know when they made it, and I don’t know why they made it. But I […]
Good News, Bad News, and More Good News
Okay… so, the good news is that a lot of people said the message today was really, really good. Which is nice, because I was concerned that it would fall flat. That does happen sometimes. But, in fact, apparently it was great… Which brings us to the bad news… the message didn’t get recorded so […]
Mayans, B’Ack’Tuns, and Fears (oh my!)
This morning’s message is up. It’s like nothing you’ve ever heard before. Seriously.