A good friend once asked this question:
“If your prayers were all answered, would it be just your life that was changed or would the whole world be changed?”
What a humbling question. Honestly, most of my prayers are still for those I love, for specific things going on in my everyday life, and for me to be who Jesus wants me to be. However, I want my prayer life – my connection to the heart of Jesus – to grow beyond myself. I don’t want to stay in a selfish mindset, but to expand my empathy and compassion for those God loves. Since John 3:16 says He loves the whole world… it’s time to look beyond my front porch at the people He’s placed beyond my yard in my neighborhood and town and begin to show those people God’s love. I can do that through prayer and through whatever connections He gives me with those He loves.
For God so loved THE WORLD that He gave His One and Only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16
Since you are reading this, it’s clear that you want to show God’s love to your town, too! These requests can be translated to praying for any town, but my hope is that the links will connect you to Castle Rock and its residents in a fresh and personal way! Maybe we’ll all see each other a little differently and with more compassion.
Builders, Realtors, Bankers, Mortgage Loan Officers https://www.hismove.com/ https://www.dmarealtors.com/douglaselbertdistrict https://castlerockedc.com/ https://www.crgov.com/1674/Development-Services
Our town is in a boom and people are moving here in droves. People of great influence in a person’s perception of and connection to Castle Rock are those who help them find, build, and pay for their homes. If a realtor earns trust with her/his clients, many of the recommendations s/he gives will be taken. In our materialistic society, the lure of a house that is bigger than we can afford can be a dangerous trap. Finding builders, realtors, bankers, and loan officers who you can trust to guide you into a life you can afford and then be able to bless others in this life is a gift. Please pray that these professionals in Castle Rock would be for people because of the calling God has given them to serve and help people. Pray also for their integrity and for those who haven’t decided, yet, to make their home with God to do so because of their interactions with home buyers who love and trust Jesus.
Philip S. Miller Library Workers
Most people wouldn’t stop to think about how much influence library workers have in a resident’s lives, but pause with me for a moment and consider them. When someone comes into the library and is looking for help, encouragement, resources, and potentially spiritual guidance, who do they ask? The people who work at the Information Desk have tremendous influence in helping people find what they are looking for (or didn’t know they were looking for). Please pray that God would give the believing workers wisdom and discernment as they serve each patron. Please also pray that God would use believing patrons to influence not-yet-believing library workers as they request books, movies, music, and other resources about Jesus. Also, pray for protection for all those who work in and use the library from the enemy’s attacks and temptations through unwholesome works.
Those in town government have the huge job of making decisions on our behalf about what is best for Castle Rock. They are not paid millions of dollars and it is a demanding job. We have had a couple of strong believing Mayors in Castle Rock who have spoken out about their faith in Jesus and have been a part of the Castle Rock Day of Prayer and National Day of Prayer in Castle Rock. Both events are great places to meet and support Christian people of influence in Castle Rock. Please pray that God would call Christian government officials to represent us and make God-honoring decisions for our town.
Castle Rock Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchants Association
The Chamber of Commerce is the hub of community and connection in Castle Rock. The Downtown Merchants Association plans the downtown events, makes decisions about which family (and adult) movies are shown, and works with the Chamber of Commerce to provide entertainment throughout different venues in town. Please pray that the believers in the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchants Association would speak up about family values, making wise and discerning choices and be a bright, shining light. Pray also for the members who have not, yet, made the decision to follow Jesus to see His light… maybe during the annual original Starlighting story read at the Starlighting Event each year!
The Board of Education makes such important decisions about what Castle Rock children will learn and be exposed to. Please pray for God to place believing representatives on the board who will guide the leadership to protect our children and teach them ethical and God-honoring lessons through the curriculum and programs. Please pray for salvation for any board members who have not, yet, decided to trust in the inspired words of the Good Book.
Pastors and Spiritual Leadership
We are all called to be disciples and to build the body up, reaching unity by using our gifts to encourage each other (Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11-13; 1 Corinthians 13:27). People still look to their spiritual leaders for guidance. Please pray for the spiritual leaders to live for Jesus’ approval not man’s, live selflessly as servant leaders, and have integrity so they can fight the attacks of the enemy who wants to silence them and their influence.
Law Enforcement, Medical and Emergency Personnel (Sheriff’s Office, Justice Center, Police, Fire & Rescue, EMTs, Doctors, Nurses, and other Civil Servants)
We all entrust our lives into the hands of these amazing Civil Servants who are truly everyday heroes. We don’t know how many disasters have prevented on our behalf or battles they have fought to protect us from those who would harm us. There are many believers in this community of Civil Servants who see their work as a mission field and work hard to serve in Jesus’ name. Please pray for them to have opportunities to share the why behind their sacrifices. Please also pray for those who have answered the call to put their lives on the line to protect, serve, and rescue others and have not received the gift of the Ultimate Rescue from Jesus. Pray that God would make Himself real and unavoidable in their lives.
Town of Castle Rock Workers (Parks and Rec, Roads, Human Resources)
These people are our neighbors, the people who work to make life easier and manageable for those of us in Castle Rock. They plow our streets, provide spaces for us to be healthy, give us opportunities to find work and provide for our families. We are indebted to them for their service. Please pray for the not-yet believers who work for our town to find Jesus here. Pray for the believers to show others where Jesus is at work in Castle Rock.
Grocery and Department Store Managers, Food Service, Retail Workers
We are blessed to be served and supported by our local merchants. There are great companies like Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby who share their faith unquestionably and support believers through their work. There are believing workers all over Castle Rock who are representing Jesus and being His ambassador through their service of the people of Castle Rock. There are also many not-yet believers who we see each day and our words and behavior represent Jesus to them. Please pray for the Christians in Castle Rock to live out a different way to respond and respect those not-yet believing servers, hostesses, clerks, and clothing retail workers by how we treat them, how we live out our faith through praying together and in our conversations, and even (and especially) how we tip.
Teachers, Administration and Staff of each Castle Rock School
The people who spend the most time with our children are those who are helping to shape their future decisions. We entrust more than most of us realize to the educators and administration in the Douglas County School system. Please pray for believing teachers to feel the support of believing parents and children as missionaries who have been planted in Castle Rock schools. Pray for them to have opportunities to share their faith through answering questions, allying themselves with other believing educators, See You at the Pole rallies, and the stories they choose to tell (personally and through their lesson plans). Pray for each teacher, administrator and staff who does not yet understand the truth of Jesus’ love and care for him/her that his/her co-workers, parents, and students would share that truth and love through support and example. Please also pray for each student in the Douglas County School System to know Christ and make Him known.
God has placed you in your neighborhood on purpose. You are a gift to the people He has surrounded you with. There are many different ways you can reach out to and care for your neighbors in Jesus’ name. The first thing you can do is meet them and start praying for them. Pray for God to encourage and empower you and your believing neighbors to share their faith by serving your neighborhood whenever you get a chance. Pray for your unbelieving neighbors to see you and other believers living in such a way that there is NO DOUBT that you are about your Father’s business and have integrity in representing His Son.
There is no better gift God has given to Castle Rock than you and your family. He didn’t bring you here on accident. It wasn’t as though He closed His eyes and pointed to the map of Colorado and sent you where His finger landed. He wanted you HERE. So, pray for opportunities to be a blessing. Pray for God to keep your priorities right – worshipping and spending time with Him, spending quality, focused time with your family, selflessly serving your friends and neighbors, and becoming the person He created you to be… in Castle Rock.