I love stories, especially love stories in movies that inspire me to make a difference. So this post is for those of us with elementary and teen aged children (and older) who want to have our children hear and watch stories that inspire them to make a difference. I am all about making paths from God to others and others to God. It’s what being a Pathmaker is all about (You can read about it in the Who We Are section of our website)!
When we watch movies that inspire us, we talk about them. We tell others. Essentially, we evangelize about that movie’s story. When we let the truth about Jesus sink in to our hearts and minds and understand the story, we tell others about His story, too. What a cool connection for children. After watching an inspirational movie as a family, you could ask these questions:
“So,” you ask, “what movies can we watch with our children that will inspire them?” A friend of ours, Bob Waliszewski, has been training parents how to use and filter media for a very long time. He is an expert in this field and I respect him very much! He wrote some invaluable resources in 3 lists of his favorite movies. You can find them here (1), here (2), and here (3). I have chosen 20 of his favorites that have inspired me on my pathmaking journey and I want to share them with my kids. I hope this will be a fun resource for you, as well. If you click on the links below, they will take you to PluggedIn.com’s review of each movie I list.
Bob, thank you for your long-time ministry at PluggedIn. May we all follow your legacy using media to train and equip our children! -Beth