Saturday night, March 28, from 6pm to 10pm, Pathmakers men and our buddies are going to do the most Christ-like thing we can think of doing… we’re going to play poker, eat chips, nurse a beer or two, and try to win a great prize! (…and some of us will play some video games on the church projection system…). Yep, it’s the most Christ-like thing we can think of doing as Pathmakers that night. The cost is $20 and two of your favorite beers (or other malt-beverage) to buy-in. We’ll be raising some money to help a friend of a friend named Natalie who is facing a tough battle with cancer. We might not raise a lot of money, but we’ll raise the spirits of Natalie and her family in a meaningful and enjoyable way. So, call a buddy or two or three and let’s have a great time honoring God together. Following Jesus doesn’t get much more fun nor much easier than this.
Details: Poker Tourney, Saturday, March 28, from 6pm to 10pm / Buy-In is $20 plus two bottles of your favorite beer/malt-beverage
Where: The Deer Creek Sky Raiders Man Cave, 3750 Pine Meadow Ave, Parker, CO 80138
Restrictions: Men 21+ Only
… if you’re a long-time Pathmaker, none of what I wrote phased you.

The fact is, we’re raising a few extra bucks to help our friend of friend, Natalie, in her fight against breast cancer. So, we’re not just going to have a fun time together, our getting together is going to help someone out. When’s the last time hanging out with your buddies did that kind of good for someone else? Now you will. And if you haven’t had a chance to donate a few extra bucks to Natalie’s GOFUNDME account, click the link and get to it. You might even win the two tickets to anywhere Southwest Airlines flies if you do!
If you’re phased, there are two reasons I can think of why you might be…
1. You think church people don’t do that kind of thing. Well, you’re wrong. Jesus loved a good party, loved time with his bros, and enjoyed a good hard drink with some frequency. Once, he even brought the drinks to the party (and everyone said it was the best drink they’d had at the party). He also did stuff that mattered and helped people out. If you like that idea, you’ll love Pathmakers and it’s time to come hang out with us.
2. You are “church people” and you think we can’t do that kind of thing. Well, you’re wrong, too. It’s time to stop focusing on what you think you shouldn’t do and get focused on doing the good Jesus invites us to do. I know, I know, our lives are supposed to look different. And they do. It’s just that beer, poker, and having a good time with your buddies is absolutely part of living different. Visit us sometime and find out how and why.