“Sugar and spice and everything nice… that’s what little girls are made of…” goes an old folk poem from the 19th century.
WOMEN(!) are made of ideas and thoughts, challenges and troubles, hopes and regrets, drama and joy, victories and dreams, complex emotions and simple desires (and vice versa)… most of all, we’re made in the very image of God! And at Growing Roots, we celebrate all the spectacular and unique ways that God made each of us woman and all of us women… all while having some fun, building more intimate relationships with each other, and helping us all grow deeper roots into the life-giving wonder that can come from relationships with God and each other.
We usually get together once or twice a month on Wednesday evenings. Activities vary and costs (if any) range from free to inexpensive to “bring these few items.” We keep details on the Pathmakers Facebook Page. And feel free to bring a gal-pal with you if you want. There’s always room for more! Otherwise, we hope just to get to see you. If you’d like someone to contact you, feel free to send a message via Facebook OR email us at growingroots@pathmakerschurch.org. We’re Growing Roots… come grow with us!