RESET SUNDAY :: NO WORSHIP SERVICE ON DECEMBER 28, 2014 Allow me to explain… That whole “it’s Church, but Different” isn’t a clever catch-phrase for us (it is a little “catchy” though, isn’t it?). And one of the more “different” things we do as a group is take some intentional days off… sabbaticals from our […]
Fall 2014 Message Series

In September/October 2014, we’re going to spend some time in one of the most popular, yet most mysterious, letters the Apostle Paul ever wrote… Ephesians. Known as “The Epistle To The Ephesians,” this book of the New Testament is referred to as the “Queen” of the Apostle Paul’s writings. It’s popularity is due in part […]
Happy (Spartan) Father’s Day!

Pathmaker Men! We lead, we fight, we transform, and we finish. But we don’t give up. We run the race. We fight the good fight. We stumble, we fall, we fail, but we don’t stay down. We get back up, we forgive, we heal, we become better, and we let Him finish the good work […]
(VBS) Vacation Bible School

Pathmakers Church in Castle Rock is holding a special VBS (Vacation Bible School) this summer, June 23-27, 2014. Best of all, there is absolutely no cost this year! Every morning from 9:30am to Noon, kids will get a chance to learn more about Jesus and how He wants us to model His Love… because “Love […]
Invite someone to “The Original Blockbuster” this summer!

I’m excited about the next message series, one that will probably span several months. We will look at some of the greatest stories in the Bible and meet a variety of people in circumstances facing challenges of all kinds… and looking at God’s involvement in all of them. By the end of the series, I […]
Spartan Race and Following Jesus…

From Philippians 3:13-14 – “…I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Ah, Spartan Race… so many spiritual parallels in such an earthy […]
Growing Roots

“Sugar and spice and everything nice… that’s what little girls are made of…” goes an old folk poem from the 19th century. Whatever. WOMEN(!) are made of ideas and thoughts, challenges and troubles, hopes and regrets, drama and joy, victories and dreams, complex emotions and simple desires (and vice versa)… most of all, we’re made in […]
The Original Blockbuster :: Sundays, All Summer Long

You know what they say about movies, right? “The movie was okay, but the book was way better…” You’ve said it, too, when your favorite book was turned into a movie. The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, The Hunger Games, The Hobbit, and the films from Jane Austin, Tom Clancy, or […]
Easter :: the story like you’ve never heard before…

The Bible isn’t the only place you can find out about what Jesus did, how He died, and the almost-over-night-explosion of people claiming to have seen Jesus resurrected from the dead. It’s true! A handful of contemporary sources cite both the Man and the Movement that worshiped him as God and spread the Good […]
We’ll drink a cup of kindness here, for Auld Lang Syne…

“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” This is a verse from a short, beautiful, and misunderstood song written by the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah is called “the weeping prophet” as the later portion of his ministry occurred after the last good […]