Hey gents,

We have a morning study for guys this winter/spring where we’re going to dive into the so-called Pastoral Letters (1, 2 Timothy, Titus… and we’ll add Philemon for good measure).  No commentaries, no books, no study guides, no pre-printed Bible studies… just us, our Bibles, and each other.  Not that those other things aren’t good… they are, and I personally use them all at different times and we’ll host studies like those now and again.

menbiblestudyBut this time, we’re going into this with Scripture, each other, and that’s it.  Thus the “Scripture, Straight Up” title (did you know that there is some debate as to what that means exactly when you’re ordering your drink?  The only common understanding seemed to be that you shake it with ice and then serve it plain…)  In a way, we’re going to pour out a drink of Scripture for ourselves, but just before we drink it, we’ll see what others around the table thought about it (that’s the ice, the external factor that impacts the drink), and then we’ll have at it.  The Bible teaches that where “two or more gather,” He will be among us uniquely (Matthew 18:20).  While the context of this passage is related to church discipline and correcting another believer, there is also a historical context I learned about how the great teachers of the time believed it was not possible to accurately discern God’s Will or understand Scripture without the confirmation of others around you.  Meaning, no one person could ever fully know the truth of a Bible verse; they had to have the confirmation of other followers of God agreeing with them.  Sounds like a great way to avoid corruption and misinterpretation, huh?

So, that’s what we’ll be doing together for the next several weeks as we explore these passages.  We’ll read separately, gather for prayer and discussion, and be amazed as God opens our eyes to His truths for us.  Because He will be there with us as we gather in His Name!

You can download the study plan as a PDF you can read or print at your computer by clicking the link ScriptureStraightUp2013.

Otherwise, here is the schedule below… I’m looking forward to our time together, brothers!  Oh, and feel free to invite a buddy who might be interested.  Even if he goes to another church or doesn’t go at all, he’s welcome.


Scripture, Straight Up – Pathmakers Church Men’s Morning Study
6:15am to 7:15am, Fridays @Lost Coffee, 4th & Perry Streets, Castle Rock
*Read each section of Scripture for that week, pick out something that stood out to you, and let’s challenge each other to become the kind of men and leaders God is calling us out to be.


February 8 – Week 1 – 1 Timothy 1:1-20

February 15 – Week 2 – 1 Timothy 2:1-3:13

February 22 – Week 3 – 1 Timothy 3:14-4:16


March 8 – Week 4 – 1 Timothy 5:1-6:21

March 15 – Week 5 – 2 Timothy 1:1-18

March 22 – Week 6 – 2 Timothy 2:1-26


April 5 – Week 7 – 2 Timothy 3:1-4:22

April 12 – Week 8 – Titus 1:1-16

April 19 – Week 9 – Titus 2:1-15


May 3 – Week 10 – Titus 3:1-15

May 10 – Week 11 – Philemon 1:1-25


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